Personal Information


Department of

Faculty of Maritime Studies - Hydrographic Surveying

Contact Information

Phone: 6400000 Ext. 64776


Mohammed J. Mogadem



B.Sc. degree in Hydrographic Survey, KAU in 2010.....

M.Sc. degree in Geomatics (Bathymetric Data Processing), CAT A, ENSTA Bretagne, 2014.....


  • 2010

    Bachelor degree from Hydrographic Survey departmentFaculty of Maritime Studies , King Abdul-Aziz University, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2014

    Master degree from Geomatics, Bathymetric Data ProcessingScience and Technology, ENSTA Bretagne, برست, فـرنـــــسا


Research Interests

Interested in employing Hydrographic Survey techniques in Habitat Mapping research to develop a sustainable solutions to monitor our ecosystem including classification, quantifying and to produce reliable benthic maps for areas of interest.....

Scientific interests


Photogrammetry 412 MSS
Remote Sensing for marine applications 413 MSS

Areas of expertise